
Articles and Reviews

Articles and Essays

2010 “The Right to Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Permitted in the United States and Protected by the Federal Government.” In Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society. ABC-CLIO Social Sciences Database, ed. by Chuck Stewart. Web, July.

2009 “The Ghosts of LGBT History and Web 2.0.” The Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide 16:3, May–June., pp 17–19.

2007 “Vern Bullough as an Activist for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community.” Memorial Celebration of the Life of Vern L. Bullough. Amherst, NY: Center for Inquiry.

2004–2005 “Legends.” Featured column in the Orange County & Long Beach Blade. Biographical profiles and interviews of Southern California’s pioneers for sexual rights including Joseph Hansen, Vern L. Bullough, Jim Schneider, Billy Glover, Mark Thompson, Rev. Malcolm Boyd, Rev. Florine Fleischman, Michael Kearns, Walter L. Williams, Aristide Laurent, Herb Selwyn, and Rev. Troy Perry.


Book Reviews

Stormtrooper Families, by Andrew Wackerfuss. Out In Jersey, 11/11/15.

Adrift in a Vanishing City, by Vince Czyz. Out In Jersey, 10/12/15.

Sexual Outsiders: Understanding BDSM Sexualities and Communities, by David M. Ortmann and Richard A. Sprott. Out In Jersey, 08/11/15.

Blackmail, My Love, by Katie Gilmartin. Out In Jersey, 6/25/15

The Prince’s Boy, by Paul Bailey. (Bloomsbury, 2014.) Out In Jersey,  06/02/15.

Terminal Bar: A Photographic Record of New York’s Most Notorious Watering Hole, by Sheldon Nadelman and Stefan Nadelman. (Princeton Archetectural Press, 2014). Out In Jersey, 04/17/15.

There Goes The Gayborhood?, by Amin Ghaziani. (Princeton University Press, 2014). Out In Jersey, 01/10/15.

The Disappearance Boy, by Neil Bartlett. (Bloomsbury, 2014). Out In Jersey, 11/17/14.

Imagining Transgender, by David Valentine. Committee on Gay and Lesbian History Newsletter, 25.1, Spring 2011.

Out in the Country: Youth, Media, and Queer Visibility in Rural America, by Mary L. Gray. American Anthropologist 112:3, Sept. 2010.

The Adventures of Nico and Gianni: London 1712, by J. J. Sagmiller. The Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide 17:1, Jan. 2010.

Out and Proud in Chicago, ed. by Tracy Baim. Lambda Book Report 16.4, spring 2009, pp. 30–31.

Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead: The Kinship of Women, by Hilary Lapsley. Committee on Gay and Lesbian History Newsletter 18.2, fall/winter 2004.

Homophile Studies in Theory and Practice, by W. Dorr Legg. International Gay and Lesbian Review, 1999.

Recognizing Ourselves: Ceremonies of Lesbian and Gay Commitment, by Ellen Lewin. International Gay and Lesbian Review, 1999.

Changing Sex, by Bernice Hausman. International Gay and Lesbian Review, 1998.

Film Reviews

Naz & MaalikWritten and Directed by Jay Dockendorf (2015). Out In Jersey, 01/23/16.

Big EdenWritten and Directed by Thomas Bezucha (2001). Out In Jersey, 01/23/16.

Tom in America. Written and Directed by Flavio Alves (2014). Out In Jersey, 06/04/15.


Play Reviews

The Second Mrs. Wilson, by Joe DiPietro. George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick NJ. Out In Jersey, 11/26/15.

Ernest Shackleton Loves Me, by Joe DiPietro. George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick, NJ. Out In Jersey, 05/02/15.

Buyer & Cellar, by Jonathan Tolins, Directed by David Saint. George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick, NJ. Out In Jersey, 03/08/15.

The Whipping Man, by Matthew Lopez. Directed by . George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick, NJ. Out In Jersey, 01/28/15.

Outside Mullingar, by John Patrick Shanley. George Street Playhouse, New Brunswick, NJ. Out In Jersey, 10/11/14.

Video Media

ONE: A Tribute to Jim Kepner. Director/Editor. Documentary short broadcast in Los Angeles, Dec. 1999

Vaginal Davis as “La Monica.” Director/Editor. Documentary short produced in conjunction with LA Weekly, April 1999

Web Sites (selected)

Out In Jersey. Site Administrator, 2014–present. [Joomla]

Tangents Online. Site Designer and Web Manager, 2002–present. [Wordpress, Wiki, HTML] Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies [CLAGS]. Site Administrator and Exhibit Curator for “The Pre-Gay Era in the USA.” 2008–2010. [Wiki]

Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists []. Site designer and Web Manager, 1998–2006. [HTML]

ONE Institute & Archives. Web Manager, 1997–2001 [HTML]

International Gay and Lesbian Review. Web Manager and Associate Editor, 1997–2001. [HTML]

Committee on Lesbian and Gay History. Site Designer and Web Manager, 1999–2001. [HTML]


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